Friday, December 11, 2009

Shoot-out: Weather

In December, Floridians along the northeast coastline of the state still enjoy the beach. Because of the low water temperatures, the only ones who attempt to swim are the tourists. You can always pick them out, by their sunburns.

Hibiscus are in full bloom, along with a few other varieties of flowers.
The temperatures and weather in general fluctuate more this time of year. One day of this past week the temperatures were in the eighties in the A.M., but in the evening had plummeted into the forties. I have found a perfect solution to being able to quickly check the weather at any given time during the day, my "St. Augustine Weather Rock".
This is very simple. If the rock is close to body temperature, the weather is warm.
If the rock is cold, the weather is chilly.
If the rock casts a shadow, the weather is sunny. (no shadow=cloudy)
If the rock is wet, it is rainy.....or my three year-old grandson has watered it again.
The rock teetering or lying on its side, indicates a windy day.
If the rock is bouncing up and down, we are having an earthquake.
When the rock disappears, it is a sure sign of a Category III or IV hurricane.
Very rarely do we see it take on a thin layer of white, which indicates frost.
This week, we did see one of Santa's reindeers checking the weather. He said that Florida is one of his favorite legs of the Christmas eve sleigh pull. He promised to see me again before the big day, and said to tell you to have a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year. Something was also mentioned about making a list and checking it twice.
Thanks for visiting. Be nice!


  1. What a great post. I love your weather rock. It's common sense weather reporting.

  2. Well done! Your posts always make me laugh with your wonderful humor. And I also love the weather rock!

  3. I love your weather rock, the very best way to start my day is visiting your blog and catching some humor. thank you for being you mr Gordon.

  4. Ha! You are so clever with your weather rock, and reindeer it! I throw rocks, umm, did I just say that...

  5. Gordon: Your post of every week's FSO always makes me smile. I am always excited to see your FSO photos.

    BTW, can I grab the best photo of yours that I like? I will make another special post. Thanks in advance!

  6. Hi Gordon, I like your Weather post. You sound like my HH. He goes by wooly worms, where the cows in the field are standing, the wind sock on the deck, you know the things. I am so glad to be part of this group. I have learned so much just following. Have been the memory keeper in this family for years and love the camera. Hope I can measure up.

  7. haha...cute weather rock! I miss FL :( I just moved last week to Dallas, TX and it's a whole new world out there. I knew if I came over here and peeked around I could feel closer to home again...thank you

  8. I wouldn't mind being a tourist there! I'll pass on the sunburn though. I like your weather rock!

  9. Your weather rock rocks! I would love to be one of those sunburned tourists right about now. Really enjoyed your post!

  10. That's a sweet shot of those tourists in matching shirts, about to get a sunburn but enjoying every minute of it. Right about now I'd be up for that myself!
    Your weather rock is more accurate than the weather channel!

  11. FYI ........ don't touch the weather rock if it is wet!! unless you know for sure it is raining. the flower is so pretty! long time before we see that here in Michigan.

    love your post Gordon. have a great weekend!!

  12. Great post!!

    I lived in forida for 3 years. when we went at Christmastime 2 years ago we went to the beach and I insisted on swimming since we were there -- it was like swimming in ice!!

  13. We have weather sticks in Kansas. Same rules though.

  14. Gordon, I already posted one of your photos (the one I like most) on my blog.

  15. Clever rock you have there Gordon. And perhaps one can also recognize tourists by their matching outfits? Very fun Shootout!

  16. Oh, I need to make one of your weather rocks for my yard here on Florida's Gulf Coast, it is just marvelous!

    btw, as a 10-year transplanted Californian, I look forward to this time of year to go swimming. I grew up on the Pacific and still can't get used to the warm water during the summer. I love it cold!

  17. Love the weather your Floridian winter weather!

  18. What a wonderful picture of the walk on the beach! And I love your weather rock.

  19. Your weather rock is popular with me too! And anywhere warm is a good place to be in my book. Enjoyed your post as usual.

  20. Wait...I can't see with these sunglasses on. I have them on to hide my green eyes. We are freezing here and you show me wonderful warm weather. I am so jealous.

    I love you. I love your photos. I hate your weather. It is freezing here. Wish we have some of your warmth.
